2024 Spring Fly In WA – Busselton YBLN / Albany YABA – September 18 – 25
Join us for our second adventure this year all the way over to the west. It’s taken us 17 years to go west but we’re
Safe, enjoyable flying with like minded people
The meeting of 25 people chose to form an Incorporated Association with the purpose of promoting safe flying and furthering the technical knowledge of members while facilitating an environment favourable to forming new and lasting friendships. The name chosen was – C200 Series Association Incorporated.
Fly Ins are held twice a year over weekends or during the week in Autumn and Spring – The weekend ones are usually a ‘long weekend’. Members suggest future locations for Fly Ins and we include relevant informative technical sessions at some events. Flying, fun and friendships plus lots of eating and drink or two is the purpose of these Fly ins all while we get to discover the various locations we visit.
Membership comprises commercial and private pilots, LAMES and their families and friends. All interested in flying and friendships.
Committee meets between Fly Ins via teleconference or zoom meetings and we have a general meeting for all members at each Fly In to update members and plan future Fly Ins. An AGM is held at the Spring Fly In each year.
Membership is open to all aircraft type owners.
If you have an interest in aviation or own a Cessna, maybe even a 200 series you are welcome to join our club.
Join us for our second adventure this year all the way over to the west. It’s taken us 17 years to go west but we’re
What a wonderful time we had thanks to Noel and Cath Hoy. Our accommodation was central in town and in walking distance to many cafes
Orange NSW is the destination for our Spring Fly In 20-23 October 2023. We have rooms booked at the Oriana and if you haven’t already
For more information, contact our secretary Wendy Brand: secretary@c200series.com.au