Horsham in the Wimmera is our next destination and Tony and Wendy Brand have put together a sensational program for us. It’s now time to book your accommodation at the Horsham International Hotel if you haven’t already. Call 03 5381 7555. The Hotel are offering us competitive rates for our stay. Breakfast is available but not included.
We are flying to Boundary Bend home of Cobram and Red Island olive oils for lunch and a look around on Saturday. We will hop on a bus and head to Great Western and also Halls Gap for an ice cream. A Tech Talk to keep up with things and a short general meeting for you to have your input into our activities plus exciting news about the upcoming start of the Pilot Proficiency/Safety Program.
For more information contact Wendy 0407 811 777 or Annie 0418 853 635
Itinerary Horsham YHSM Registration Form A 2019
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